Loosely planned dance program, approximate times, links to tunes, 
informal dance notes for Alan's Birthday Ball, 2024

Doors at 6:30, dance really starts at 7:00, aiming to finish at 
10:30 but must finish by 11:00.

7:00 free waltz

7:04 Baggage (duple)

7:15 New Decade Waltz
(Alta Sierra Waltz, Larry Unger, Waltz Book 3)

7:37 Woodshed duple

7:50 Spring Thaw duple
"Spring Thaw" by Patti Cobb (104-108 bpm)

8:02 Nanotyrannus duple

8:14 Waltz for Mickie 3-cpl

8:24 Sister Jean

8:39 Open Skies duple

8:53ish break

9:15 free waltz
9:20 Movement Afoot (Steciak's Waltz) duple

9:33 Dokis Island (3-cpl) or Tres Pinos (3-cpl)

9:43 Crinkle Crankle ("Twin Centers of the Universe") duple

9:58 Festina Lente ("Evit Gabriel") 3-cpl

10:08 Fiddler's Wife  duple

10:20 Meeting and Parting duple

-- final waltz --

Bonus or Alternate

Maggie's Brown Apron (Maggie Brown's Favorite, AAB (32 bars))

Tres Pinos (Moon and Seven Stars, 3-cpl set)

Kaleideoscope Waltz

Suggested free waltz tunes [to which I've written dances there won't be time for]
("Dorothea's Waltz" by Mary Tabor, used for Winter's Gate)

"The Meaning of Your Sigh" by Corwin Zekley: https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/The_Meaning_of_Your_Sigh.pdf

"Flatbush Waltz" for "A New Year": https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/flatbush_waltz.pdf

"Jan's Waltz" by Debbie Jackson https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/jans_waltz.pdf

"Snowbound" by Debbie Jackson  https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/snowbound.pdf

Sixpence Waltz by Debbie Jackson https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/sixpence_waltz.pdf

Rosemary by Patti Cobb https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/sixpence_waltz.pdf

"My Love on the Stair" by Patti Cobb (for "A Belle Mead Garden") https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/~winston/mydances/apw/belle_mead_garden.pdf

Alan Winston
longways duple minor (optionally improper)
4/27/2010 (but thinking about it for a year)
Tune Debbie Jackson
Meter 2/4 Key Dm

A1: 1-2: partners forward into line, rsh to rsh;
    3-4: pull left shoulder back and cast to place
    5-8: neighbors left hand turn , finish facing neigborh

A2: 1-2: neigbors forward into line, lsh to lsh
    3-4: pull rigt should back and cast to place
    5-8: partners right hand turn, finish facing in

B1: 1-2: second corners (gents) cross
    3-4: first corners (ladies) cross
    5-6: circle half
    7-8: 1s cast off; 2s lead up _INTO_

B2: 1-8: 1s cross up, 2s cast off to start whole figure 8;
         finish progressed, and with original propriety, and ready to 
         start again.

3-couple longways
32-bar waltz (AABB)
tune: Larry Unger's "Alta Sierra Waltz"; waltz book 3, 1st tune,
CD "Waltz Time".  Key: Gm  Meter: 3/4  Composed 2011-01-12 

A1:  1-4: Partners right shoulder round [right-hand-turn is an approved 
          variation] easing out to face CW with middles out further

     5-8: no hands circle six halfway

A2:  5-8: as above, in the same direction;


     1-4: 2nd corner top catch partner's eye and invite, then cast into ...
          W1 continues CW, with partner following, into 2nd place improper
          2s meet, move up, out to sideline facing,  and turn 1/4 to face down

     5-8:  Chase continues CCW, same person in lead 
           into 3d place proper 
           on arrival continue to face CCW 
           WHILE 3s do what the 2s did.

B2:  1-8:  1s continue up to start expansive LEFT SHOULDER
           parallel straight heys (2 waltz steps per pass), 
           first pass with 3s.


Caller: Set tempo by the A part, which is a scramble if it's too fast and 
dies if it's too slow.  Correct tempo for A gives you lots of time in B;
dancers should 'fill the music with movement' and go wide outside the set
on the chase so their steps can be comfortably sized; this will be big.
(keeping the chase small and in the set lines, in Scottish style, means
unsatisfactory mincing steps)

Tune: Megajig by Larry Unger (Portland Collection), played about 92bpm, bluesy
Longways duple proper.
Tune in Portland collection, or at
(first tune only, or medley)
Is this A or F#m?  Looks major, sounds minor.

Created at Woodshed dance 7/10/2012 
by Lise Dyckman, Jim Saxe, Nancy Baugh and Alan Winston
Tune suggestion by Mary Tabor

A1: 1-4: Circle left 1x
    5-8: Asymmetric gates (1st corners forward)

A2: 1-7: Hey for four across (1st corners pass L to start, while 2nd corners
         drift to neighbor's place to enter the hey on the right shoulder
         pass at bar 2.)
      8: Second corners fish-hook back (left shoulder around to come back to
         partner waiting at home on the side) and launch

B1: 1-6: whole CCW poussette (finishes early because it starts offset)
    7-8: balance and open facing in [at home]

B2: 1-2: 1st corners cross
    3-4: 2nd corners cross 
    5-8: partners two-hand balance, then change under hand closer to 
         new neighbors to face new neighbors.

NOTE: This was written as a proper dance, where you'll dance both roles.  You
may find it easier to remain a first corner or a second corner through the
whole dance; you and your partner may cross over at each end of the set to 
accomplish this, or choose not to.

Waltz time duple longways
32-bar fairly brisk tempo, key F

"Spring Thaw" by Patti Cobb (104-108 bpm)

This tune has a 16-bar A and a 16-bar B so it's played AB; the parts are clear.

A 1-2 : First corners turn single up 
  3-8: Top 1 crosses between partner and corner to start round corners
       place keeping eye contact WHILE corner continues turning until the
       corners are facing same direction (into the set with the #1 below) 
       and can take inside hands.
       With corner in tow, top travels below neighbor, up the outside,
       through home place, and dropping corner off in first place continues to
       corner's place.

  9-16 : Second corners the same (All now progressed and improper)

B 1-2 : 2s cast down, 1s lead up ...
  3-4  1s cast down, 2s lead up
  5-8  2s cast down, cross up WHILE
       1s cross up, cast down  (progressed and proper)
  [That's cast and lead and lead and cast and double half-figure eight]

   [Coming out of the half figure eight ...]
   9-10: partners take crossed hands to balance toward each other and away
  11-12: partners crossed hand turn (6 steps), release left hand and keep R
  13-16: 4 changes of rights and lefts, *with hands*, starting partner

3/28/2018 (but have been thinking about it for days)
longways duple minor
Dave Bartley's tune for the dance 
Key: Gm / Meter 4/4 (4 real beats)

Common time - 4 beats per measure

1-2: Circle L halfway, pass through across, remain facing out 
    (progressed and proper)
3:   neighbors lead out
4:  change hands, lead back

5-6: Partners RH turn 1x 
7-8: Original foursome right hand star and don't face back in

[In each couple, one person is facing out, the other is behind them.  
The ones facing out are on the 2nd diagonals]
Note this spot (progressed and proper); you'll be coming back to it

9-10: Chase [meander] around with next neighbors
     [Catch eyes with the person diagonally left from you; 
     the people facing out lead left, partner follows,
     keep it tight to to get back to this spot]

11-12: Chase [meander] around current neigbbors 
      (same people leading, catch eyes with diagonal on right, 
      leaders turn right) 
13-14: NEIGHBORS start two leisurely changes of rights and lefts (half turns)

15: 1st corners (people facing in after left turn) cross left shoulder 
16: 2nd corners cross right shoulder  (and face new neighbors)


Teaching points:

- End effects!  You think you're out and at bar 9 people want to chase 
  around you.  You can either participate
  in the first chase (finishes where it started!) or stay close 
  together and let the other couple around

- CL half and pass through is one unit

- Keep the chases tight, maybe do a star, then a no-hands star

- You're aiming for that progressed and improper new home spot after each chase
- When you change from 1 to 2 the lead in the chase changes; 
  it's whoever's on the second diagonal, and the lead goes
  left first and back to this spot, then right and back to this spot.  

Caller note:
 Not too fast, maybe 102bpm
 This is relentless perpetual motion; don't run it too long.
 First corners at bar 15 are both original first corners and on the first 

[Thanks to Louise Siddons for testing and suggestions).

Waltz for Mickie
Beth Zekley's tune
3-cpl longways
July 2023; reworked slightly at Woodshed 8/7/23
Key Em, Meter 3/4

1-4: 1s and 2s CW half poussette;
5-8: 1s and 2s facing partner, double mad robin
9-12: 1s chase out left side and down (finish improper in 3d place)
13-16: 1s and 3s left hand star 1x

1-4 1s and 3s half poussette CCW
5-8 1s and 3s double mad robin CCW
9-12 1s( improper) chase out left side of set (same spot) and up
13-16: 1s and 2s right hand star 1x

1-4 1s cross (2s meet) and go down the outside to middle place (2s moving up)
5-8 1s (improper) lead out the bottom between the 3s and cast up to middle place.
9-12 1s cross (3s meet) and down the outside to bottom (proper)
13=16 all turn 2 hands in new places; top 2 couples keep hold of hands.

Alan Winston, May 2009
Tune: Shetland Jig of the same name
Longways duple minor (improper), Key Dm: Meter: 6/8
brisk walking pace, insistent, insinuating rather than driving
(first tune)


A1:1-2: 1s (starting outside foot) lead down through 2s for 4 steps,
   3:   1s balance away from partner
   4:   1s California Twirl to face up
   5-6: 1s lead up for 4 steps
   7-8: 1s cloverleaf turn single to finish in partner's place

A2:1-8: As in A1, but 2s start by leading up through 1s.

[All relatively improper]

B1: 1-4: Mirror back-to-back, 1s split 2s first
    5-8: Double half-figure-eight (start 1s cross, 2s cast, per momentum),
         end facing in. (2s can curve their crossing a bit to make this 

[All home, but not for long]

B2: 1-2: Ladies (first corners) cross
    3-4: Gents (second corners) cross [all relatively improper, progressed]
    5-6: partners balance f&b
    7-8: and twirl-to-swap to face new neighbors

[Note: B2: the balance is gent's right hand to lady's left for both couples;
           twirl leaves the couple facing their next neighbors.]

Alan Winston, 2009 - Tune - trad jig from Shetland
written as an improper dance

A1 1-2 1s (starting outside foot) lead down through 2s for 4 steps,
     3 1s balance away from partner and
     4 1s California Twirl (right-side person goes under) to face up
   5-6 1s lead up for 4 steps
   7-8 1s cloverleaf turn single to finish in partner's place

A2 1-8 As in A1, but 2s start by leading up through 1s.

[All now crossed over; facing neighbors)

B1 1-4 Mirror back-to-back, 1s split 2s first
   5-8 1s cross down, 2 cast up to start double half-figure-eight, face in.

B2 1-2 1st Corners cross
   3-4 2nd corners cross 
   5-6 partners, facing, take circle hand 
       and balance toward and away from partner
   7-8 then twirl-to-swap (original 1st corners going under)
         to face new neighbors

("Circle Hand" is the hand you'd give your partner if you made a circle in your set from here).

Moonlight Paddle (Rev 4 - probably final - 7/12/2017)
Longways Triple Minor, 1s IMPROPER
100 bpm
Key F, Meter 6/8 

A1: 1-2: 1s (IMPROPER!) cross down (passing L shoulder) as 2s step up 
         (or cast up through 540 degrees )to face out and
         3s turn to face out; 
         1s finish in the middle of lines of three facing out
    3-4: lines lead out
    5-6: right-hand-high, left-hand-low so ends change, all face back in
    7-8: lines lead back [now 3-1-2]

A2:  1-2: 1s half-gyre right shoulder then pivot to face out in middle of 
           their own line facing out (as above) 
     3-4: lines of three lead out
     5-6: right-hand high, left-hand-low (2-1-3)
     7-8: lines lead back, 1s hanging back a little to make a round circle

B1: 1-8: circle left and back to the right

B2: 1-4: 2s (at top) and 3s (at bottom) chase/orbit as couples all the way around 
         1s  (continuing momentum of circle)  
         WHILE 1s (in middle) LEFT SHOULDER gyre (fairly tight)
    5-8  partners left hand turn; 
        (for the 1s this flows into the cross down to start the next round)

       at A2, 1s basically have to cross.  Half gyre and swivel to face
       out is fun, but it's also okay to just cross RSH in four steps
       At B2, which partner is leading in the chase alternates depending 
       on whether you're on top (#2 gent) or bottom (#3 lady)

The dance is intended to honor the loping drive of Rebecca's tune and
the flow of a river, which may eddy but (absent a bore) never reverses;
all movement in the dance is forward, no backing up.

This works very nicely Scottish style in a four-couple set, 1s active twice and
then to the bottom. As a longways as many as will it can be wearing.

MRB 2020 commission
Longways duple minor  waltz time 
29 April 2023 -- // tested to scratch tune 8 January 2024.

Key: Am  Meter 3/4

Larry's tune: 

This is about the *end* of the pandemic shutdown, getting out to dance with
people. It's a happy dance.  As might feel a bit like a fanfare or a parade,
the Bs need an open and airy feel with some drive but not too fast.
I'm not committed to AABB but the action of A2 really repeats A1 so the music
should at least be similar or it'll be misleading; a 16-bar B with differing 
levels of intensity / note density (higher for bars 5-12) could be good.

1-4: 2s gate 1s down the middle 1.25 to line of four facing down.
5-8: Line leads down, and fall back bending.

1-4: 1s backing up strongly gate 2s up the middle 1.25 to line of four 
     facing up.
5-8: line of four up, fall back bending

1-4: 1s cross, go below, hole in the wall cross to progressed proper side
     2s meet, lead up, ease out to sideline
5-8: circle left all the way

1-4: Double mad robin, first diagonals forward first (following momentum of

5-8: 1s right shoulder round to finish facing each other in the sideline 
     2s long back to back.

(all take near hand with next neighbor, 2s continue backing to start the gate.)

Alan Winston - thought of it at AmWeek, Jul 3, 2013
longways duple minor
Tune: "Steciaks" ("stesh-i-aks") in waltz book II, by Larry Unger
Key Gm  Meter: 3/4  (romany/tango sounding)


A1: 1-2: Gents set forward to ladies (boureeish, stamping optional)
    3-4: Gents fall back as ladies come forward
    5-6: All turn single R
    7-8: All RH turn halfway

A2: As above, with ladies leading.  Keep right hands ... 

B1: 1-4: ... take left hands as well  for Clockwise half poussette (progressed)
    5-8: contra-style Mad Robin (W1 and M2 (first diagonals at the moment) 
         through the middle first)

B2: 1-8: 1s acting as a unit, dolphin hey for three
         (Gent 1 turns round coming out of the mad robin to give Left shoulder
         to Gent 2, Lady 1 takes the lead, giving right to Gent 2 on the 
         other side, Gent 1 takes the lead to arrive progressed and proper.)
         (First pass is the two left file people passing left shoulder.)

NOTE: Alan is agreeable to couple-dance style variations in the half-poussette,
and in general hopes for a spirit of flirtatious play.

NOTE 2: Named in tribute to the American Week series run by Joyce Cooper and
Judy Rose Dornbush at Mendocino Woodlands under the name "A Movement Afoot".

commission for Ruth Scodel - tune by Kendall Rogers, dance Alan Winston
2024-04-15  update 2024-06-12

3-cpl longways, F, 2/2

A1 1-4 lines of three fall back and come forward
   5-8 While 3s turn two hands, 1s gate 2s a little more than once

         3s open facing down and make a broad cast up
         1s make a tight cast down
         2s up the middle to cast down

B1: 1-4: 1s and 2s right hand star halfway
         WHILE 3s balance f&B, all turn single L

    5-8: 1 and 3s left hand star halfway
         WHILE 2s balance f & b, all turn single R

         [now in order 2-3-1, top 4 improper]

B2: 1-4: All back to back
    5-8: Partners crossed-hand turn to own sides.


Thought of it at the Civil War Ball, 2024.09.07
(At San Benito County Historical Park at Tres Pinos.)

"Moon and Seven Stars" is great, but maybe overused.

A1: all up a double and back
    partners right-shoulder back to back

A2: all down a double and back
    partners left-shoulder back to back

B1:  Taking hands along the side-line:
     1-2: lines slip to own right (away from partner)
     3-4: lines slip to own left
     5-8: taking hands in a ring of six, slip left all the way. 

B2: 1-4: end couples (1s and 3s) CW half poussette to swap;
         2s may turn two hands or swing
    5-8: bottom two couples (2s and 1s) CW half poussette to
         swap. (Order 3-1-2) - 3s at the top may turn two hands.



Meter: 3/4 Key: A (or is it F@m?)

APW Feb 2022 (after seeing a picture Mary Luckhardt posted of a crinkle crankle

Revised July 11 2022 after premiere 6/25 at Berkeley Sat English.


A "crinkle crankle" is a single wythe serpentine wall; a wythe is one
front-to-back layer of bricks, so the wall is like

with the ends joined

"Twin Centers of the Universe", play AB (vs AAB).  Slghtly dreamy.

Great tune: "Twin Centers of the Universe" (on Mist-Covered Mountains by
the Elftones) - great phrasing, tempo.  Others possible.

Note: The line down the middle isn't a Rory O'More hands-up contra dance line;
hands are low-ish (like poussette position), arms curved, and the starting 
position is far enough back toward your own side that you can balance forward  
without stressing your shoulders.


1: Start with first corners in wavy line 
   (hands low) down center of the set, taking hands along line
   (right with other first corner in this set, left with next-set
   neighbor, hands on the center line, bodies a step back).  
   ALL balance forward toward partner
2:  ALL balance back
3-4: first corners right hand turn 1/4 and curve out to corner's
     home place on the sideline, facing across
5-8: right shoulder around with neighbor (across the set), 
     [long oval going through neighbor's place]; second corners go enough
     more to finish in wavy line, left hand with each other, as above


1-2: ALL balance forward and back
3-4: In the wavy line, left-hand turn 1/4 and curve out to sideline (facing partner)
5-8: partners (progressed and crossed over) long oval left shoulder round
     and stick left hands in for 

B1: 1-4: left hand star all the way into
    5-8: double  mad robin CCW 
         [first corners go outside first, second corners go inside]
         1st corners finish facing out         

B2: 1-4: 1st corners in lead, partners chase (going quite wide outside set lines) to home place,
         1st corners flipping over left shoulder to face partner
    5-8: half regular CCW poussette (progressed place), with 
         first corners forming the line with new neighbors as
         partners finish in side lines.

Q: Are the instructions clear?

Three-couple longways / triple minor option
Tune: Evit Gabriel  (Daniel Thonon)
Em, cut time  (as in Portland Collec tion)

8 April 2019 / Tested 9 April

A1: 1-4: 1s cross right shoulder, 2s move up as 1s 
         continue down the outside to second place,
         1s brisk cross rsh and flip (Well Hall / Hole in the Wall ) to fall back, 
         picking up neighbors ...
    5-8: Lines of three fall back and come forward, 
         1s hanging back a little to make it round

A2: 1-4: brisk slipping or  walking circle six left once round
    5-8: and back to the right

B1: Corner/Partner contra corners (left hand on right diagonal, right to partner,
    left to second corner, right to partner to own side and release to go wide into ...
B2: 1-4: 1s expansive right shoulder round, spiraling in a little bit to 
    5-8: 1s traveling two hand turn or swing down the middle as 3s cast up and come together

[For triple minor, replace B2 with
 1-4: 1s going to their own lefts, half-figure eight 
      (splitting an end couple, going around
      2nd corner) to finish improper in middle place
 5-8: Partners two hand turn until proper [or 1s may choose to alternate roles]

Teaching points:

The circle works better walking than slipping to flow into the contra corners.

2nd corner people can be really helpful in facilitating the entry into
the contra corners by holding on to their active person's right hand a
fraction of a second longer and backing up as though starting a gate;
this gets the actives going in the right direction with the correct
(left) hand free.

In the transition from one round to the next, the 3s (becoming 2s) can
have a nice path by casting wide up to 2nd place, arriving just in time
to lead up to 1st place at bar 2 of A1 as the new 1s cast.


- Thanks to David Graves for the title ("make haste slowly").  Despite
the driving urgency of the tune the dance works nicely with a walking
step, no need to rush.

- Heard "Evit Gabriel" (a great contra dance tune) at Epicenter contra
weekend in Mill Valley, then several more times while trying to program
a contra dance.  I'd been asked to call a contra corners dance there and
to have a triplet ready as backup, and this is what my brain poppped
out.  Not at all useful for the contra - wrong kind of contra corners,
no swings, but a pretty nice little dance for English dancers.


Longways duple minor - IMPROPER (if you care)
Commission from Jon Berger, who wanted a dance he could dance with his wife
Jon has written a tune.


A1: 1-2: first corners (women) set forward to each other
    3-4: and turn single back through place INTO
    5-8: neighbors right shoulder gypsy up and down the line

A2: 1-2: second corners (men) set forward LEFT AND RIGHT to each other
    3-4: and turn single LEFT SHOULDER back to place and into
    5-8: LEFT SHOULDER gypsy with partner across the set (and keep moving)


B1: 1-4: single file circle TO THE RIGHT 1/2 way around.  (Make it square,
         and mark the corner clearly - six footfalls per side.)  [Sharon
         suggests Fried-esque 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-- 1--  but I really hate that; I 
         want flow.]  Leaves women facing out, partners directly behind them.  [propriety reversed]

    5-8: (half) Poussette variation:  Still facing this same way, lead
         diagonally out and sideways for two; both flip and go forward into
         place  [Everyone's now unprogressed but  relatively improper]
           Keep moving the same way into ...

B2: 1-4: Simultaneous sliding doors/mad robin - women through the middle first, 
         orbit neighbor (round left shoulder) while looking at partner; 
         go back to this place without facing your partner.

    5-8: (half) draw  Poussette variation: men in the lead this time - walk
         the poussette track, as a *DRAW* poussette, to 
         finish progressed and with your original polarity.

Floaty dreamy version is "Air Tune" by Liz Carroll played AB at 108 bpm

D, common time (4 beats per measure)
result of musing on Jenna Simpson's "We Meet Again"
while driving back from Santa Barbara 2/18/2018

Revised at Woodshed 4/10/2018, 9/11/2018

Longways duple minor

[Either improper dance or refer to 1st corners/2nd corners)

    1-2: Clockwise half poussette (8 steps)
    3-4: First diagonals
         right hand turn 1 1/2  to change places, finishing 
         facing original neighbor with forward momentum

    5-6: The people who turned now moving forward:
         Clockwise half poussette
    7-8: First diagonals (now at home) 
         right hand turn 1 1/2 and ease out a little to face partner

[All are progressed and relatively improper]

      9: partners pass right shoulder and face (close together)
     10: all turn single over left shoulder and face diagonally in
  11-12: left hand star once around, ease out facing partner
     13: Pairs fall back
     14: and set 
   15-16: whoosh forward into Partners two hand turn once round 

and keep hold of those hands ready to poussette round new neighbors.


longways duple minor / 6/8, G
Maggie Brown's Favorite (32 bars as AAB).

Originally 3/11/2023  Tested and revised 8/14/2024
Wanting a Regency-esque dance to Mason's Apron for the "Geometry" ball, but the
tune didn't work and I ended up with a modern-ish bouncy dance.
Very well-received.

A1: 1-4: 1s half figure eight down (2s stay still)
    5-8: 1s slip down and back, ending improper in first place.

A2: 1-8: 2s the same (except "down" is "up"); all now improper.

B1:  1-2: 2nd corner cross
     3-4: 1st corners cross  (all proper and progressed)
     5-8: partners two-hand turn once round
    9-12: circle left all the way (ideally slipping).
   13-16: 2s stand still; 1s lead up and cast down, ready to half figure 
         down through new 2s...


B1: 1-2: 1st corners cross
    3-4: 2nd corners cross 
    5-6: catching partners eye, all tight  turn single R into
    7-8: Brisk two hand turn
   9-12: Slipping circle of four
  13-16: 1s lead up and cast down, ready to half-figure down
         through new 2s.

First version is fun, doable with a walking place, pretty accessible.

Second version: Unforgiving but fun if you dig it.

Thought of it at the Civil War Ball, 2024.09.07
(At San Benito County Historical Park at Tres Pinos.)

"Moon and Seven Stars" is great, but maybe overused.

A1: all up a double and back
    partners right-shoulder back to back

A2: all down a double and back
    partners left-shoulder back to back

B1:  Taking hands along the side-line:
     1-2: lines slip to own right (away from partner)
     3-4: lines slip to own left
     5-8: taking hands in a ring of six, slip left all the way. 

B2: 1-4: end couples (1s and 3s) CW half poussette to swap;
         2s may turn two hands or swing
    5-8: bottom two couples (2s and 1s) CW half poussette to
         swap. (Order 3-1-2) - 3s at the top may turn two hands.

Kaleidoscope Waltz
(highly bogus "Regency" longways for Kaleidoscope Ball)
3/4 time
longways duple or Sicilian - fake Spanish dance, so improper

A1: 1-4:  Right hands across star 1 x
    5-8:  Circle R (!)
A2: 1-4: Left hands across star 1 x
    5-8: Circle L 1x into

B1: 1-8: CCW poussette 1x (2nd corners backing to start)

B2: 1-2: 1st corners (forward momentum) hole in the wall cross
    3-4: 2nd corners hole in the wall cross
    5-8: Partners turn crossed hands 1.5, open facing next couple.