The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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Get your copy of Waltzes Before Breakfast

A great gift for your dancer and musician friends!

3 ways to buy: Online, At a A BACDS Event, and By Mail (price is US Dollars, including shipping & sales taxes)

What's on the CD... Sample Tracks

Waltzes Before Breakfast cover

Order your copy of Waltzes Before Breakfast now!

Securely use your credit card with Google Checkout
Choose either Domestic (US) Economy Mail for $15.00, or
Priority Mail (US and International) for $20.50

Domestic Economy Mail

Priority Mail and International

Purchase at a Dance

The CD will be available at the front desk at many of our local dances, and from any of the musicians appearing on the CD — ask around and support your local musicians!

Order by Mail

You can also mail order it from the Bay Area Country Dance Society. Send a check (US dollars on a US bank) for $15.00 (for US Economy Mail) or $19.90 (US Domestic Priority Mail or International) per CD, payable to BACDS, to:

130 East Grand Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

For more about BACDS dances and camps,
visit us at

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