Jude Biggs Scholarship Application 2018

To apply for a Jude Biggs Musician Scholarship, check the appropriate box on one of the Hey Days registration forms from the registration page (or use the registration form in the brochure). Then submit this online Jude Biggs Scholarship Form (this is our preferred method). (Or you may print a PDF form, fill it out and mail it with your registration form.)

All fields are required.

* Applicants age 15-17 may be accepted on a case-by-case basis if a guardian or responsible adult designated by the guardian is available. If you are in this age group, please provide the name and contact info for a guardian or designated adult also applying for Hey Days:


For this section you may want to write in a separate document and paste into these fields.
Tell us about your musical background, instrument(s) played, and any experience playing for dancing.


What are your goals for building your skills and playing for dancing in the future and how do you feel that attending Hey Days will further these goals?


Questions about scholarship? Contact Alisa at alisa@capercat.com
Questions about registration? Contact Cat at bacdsheydaysreg@gmail.com