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English Dance Callers Course Application

Application deadline is March 5.

First, on the Hey Days Registration Form (either the online form, the PDF from the web site, or printed form from the brochure):

  • Check the box that indicates you are applying for the Callers' Course.
  • If you need a scholarship, check the appropriate scholarship boxes.

Then, submit this online Callers Course Application or print the PDF version of the Callers Course Application, fill it out and mail it with your registration form.

* Required fields

Please answer the following questions. The responses we receive will help to shape the class to best match the needs and interests of participants.

We hope this course will have a lasting, positive impact on your dance leading. Of course, what you get out of it will depend largely on what you put into it. These are the expectations:
Before camp:
Commit to memory a core repertoire of 20 (easy, standard) dances
Undertake some observation exercises at your local dance
Spend a couple of hours to learn basic music-reading (if you don't already read music)
At camp:
Tackle one homework exercise each night (probably 30 minutes)
Work with a 'buddy' to help each other practice
Participate actively in the Open Mic session as a caller and dancer
After camp:
Stay in touch with the group to share your experiences putting your new skills and ideas into practice

Questions? Contact Scott Higgs at