Registration FAQ
What’s this about a lottery?
- In past years we admitted people in first-come, first-served
order. Last year we got a mad rush of registrations on the
first open day of registration. We’re glad BtB is so popular,
but some people who registered less than a week later found
themselves on the waiting list. This year we are instituting
a lottery to make the process more equitable. With a lottery,
everyone whose registration and payment are received by the
deadline (April 15, 2013) will have an equal chance of getting
What if I register in time for the lottery but I don’t get in?
- You will be placed on the waiting list in the order your name
was drawn in the lottery. As space becomes available through
cancellations and the like, the next person on the waiting list
will be admitted. There is always turnover in registration and
many folks who may be on the waiting list initially will get in.
What if you get my registration after the lottery deadline?
- You’ll be added to the waiting list in the order your
registration is received.
What happens if I register as a couple or a group with other
- If you note on your form that you are “registering with” one or
more other people, we treat you and those other people as a group
that wants to be admitted together, or not at all. If your group
is on the waiting list, when you get to the top of the list you
will be admitted only when we have room for all of you. Please
note that there is no admittance advantage to registering as part
of a couple or group.
If I’m on the waiting list, can someone who registers after me be
admitted ahead of me?
- It is possible, in order to facilitate gender balancing, that we will
admit individuals of the minority gender ahead of other people on the
waiting list.
Why do you ask about dance roles (lead, follow, both) if you don’t
use them in the gender balance process?
- We find it to be helpful information.