In keeping with the community-building character of the American Dance and
Music Week Camp, all campers are expected to contribute by performing light
daily chores. There's a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into making any dance camp a success!
Campers will sign up for most camp chores when upon arrival at camp, but there are some camp chores that need to be arranged ahead of time.
LONG BEFORE CAMP (these are all preassigned to Committee; please let us know if you'd like to help!):
- Web Master
- Logo Design
- T-shirt Design
- ePublicity Wrangler
- Brochure Content
- Brochure Layout & Printing
- Contra Communities Publicity
- Make Skirts for registration incentives
- Staff Housing Arrangements
- Camper Housing/Needs Coordinator (pre-camp)
JUST BEFORE CAMP (these are all preassigned to Committee):
- Late-Night Snack planning
- Coffee Supplies/Prep
- Design & Print Name Buttons
- Assemble Name Buttons
- Food Buyer
- Flower Buyer
- Service/Replenish First Aid Kit
- Obtain Fragrance-Free products
- Prepare Staff Gift Bundles
- Perkins Snack table lighting
- Obtain Pop up canopies
- Pick up floor goop - 4 gal
- Purchase ice cream treats
- Purchase flats of strawberries
AT CAMP (these are all preassigned):
- Post Road Signs (Sunday EARLY AM...lots of driving)
- Camp Setup Foreperson
- Camp Takedown Foreperson
- Perkins Setup/Takedown Foreperson
- Perkins floor prep planning
- Perkins floor prep Foreperson
- Tenting Locations Foreperson
- Dining Hall Manager
- Head Barista
- Camp Work-Trade Volunteer Coordinator ("Minion Mangler")
- Refinish Perkins (our main dance hall) floor STARTING AT NOON!
- Camp setup Help 1:00pm Sunday - ALL WORK-TRADE SCHOLARSHIP CAMPERS need to arrive at camp no later than 1:00pm
- Transport gear as needed from Eric's house near camp into camp on your way in
- Mount BACDS clocks in all venues
- Distribute fragance-free products to all showers/bathrooms/sinks
- Post camper name lists on cabin doors
- Set up Dress Boutique
- Set up coffee house
- Assemble stage
- Hang sound curtains in Perkins
- Hang lights in Perkins
- Set up Craft Tables outside Perkins
- Set up Bookstore
- Post signs as needed around camp
- Late night floor final finish job in Perkins (4 people)
- Camp takedown Help 3:00pm Friday - ALL CAMPERS
- Collect all BACDS clocks in all venues, put back into their boxes
- Pack up bookstore
- Pack up Dress Boutique
- CLEAN & pack up coffee house
- Take down & pack decorations in Perkins (can start Thursday after evening dance)
- Pack & gather all BACDS items in Dining Hall
- Pack & gather all BACDS items in Randolph
- Pack & gather all BACDS items in Perkins (including downstairs kitchen!!)
- Collect fragrance-free supplies from all showers/bathrooms/sinks
EACH DAY AT CAMP (sign up for these at Registration on Sunday):
- Bookstore Helper AM (4 slots: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Bookstore Helper PM (4 slots: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Coffee House Manager (PREASSIGNED, all week)
- Maintain Coffee & Hot Water @ Randolph (4 slots: all day Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Early Espresso Barista 7:00am-8:00am (5 slots: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Morning Espresso Barista 11:00am-Noon (5 slots: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Afternoon Espresso Barista 3:45pm-4:15pm (4 slots: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Late Night Snack Prep (3 people each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Late Night Snack Cleanup (2 people each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Maintain Ice Supply at Perkins (2 people each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Maintain Drinking Water at Perkins (2 people each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Dining Table Breakfast Setup 8:00am (2 people each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Dining Table Takedown 8:50am (2 people each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Dining Table Lunch Setup 11:15am (2 people each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Dining Table Takedown 1:00pm (2 people each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Carry Lunch Leftovers Ice Chest to Perkins 1:00pm (2 people each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Carry jug of Milk from Breakfast to Randolph (1 person each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
- Carry jug of Milk from Lunch to Randolph (1 person each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Carry jug of Milk from Dinner to Randolph (1 person each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Dining Table Dinner Setup 5:15pm (2 people each day: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Dining Table Takedown 6:30pm (2 people each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Carry Dinner Leftovers Ice Chest to Perkins 6:30pm (2 people each day: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu)
- Sweep Dance Hall Floor 8:50am (2 people ALL WEEK)
- Sweep Dance Hall Floor 10:15am (2 people ALL WEEK)
- Sweep Dance Hall Floor 1:15pm (2 people ALL WEEK)
- Sweep Dance Hall Floor 2:45pm (2 people ALL WEEK)
- Sweep Dance Hall Floor 7:00pm (2 people ALL WEEK)
- Sweep Dance Hall Floor 8:30pm (2 people ALL WEEK)
- Live Auction Helper (2 people Wednesday 4:30)
- Maintain Fragrance-Free Supplies for your Cabin/Shower, Refill as needed from Randolph (1 person each cabin, ALL WEEK)