BACDS Dance Finance Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help us try out different ways of accounting for income and expenditures at dances. It allows us to tinker with prices, splits, guarantees, and different payment priorities, and to view their effects on the bottom line.


First Page

Input Section

In this section, you will define the dance series you wish to model. You may enter values in any of the light-green cells, or leave them empty if you wish to use the default values.

Please be careful that your input value is correct. If a box wants a numeric value, enter a number or a formula to calculate one. If you want to empty a box, use the delete key to remove all data. Hitting the space bar puts in a blank space character that looks like an empty box, but will cause trouble when other formulas try to treat it as a number.

Dance series code

If you wish to model a specific dance series, enter the dance code for that from the table below. If you leave this box empty, it will default to a "typical" dance that is a composite of all the regular series.

Note that you can also select the "TYP" code that explicitly references a typical dance. You may note that the numbers are slightly different if you select "TYP" from what you would get if you make no selection. The reason for this is rather subtle, and is explained under the heading "Average band size." below.

Dance series type

Our organization sponsors both English and Contra dances. If you wish to focus on the statistics for one particular style of dance, you select the style here.

If your organization sponsors more than two types, you can add new types on page 2, and use them here.


If you wish to experiment with a different per-dance hall rent, enter it here. If you leave this box empty, it will choose the per-dance rent from the column chosen by the dance code.


If you wish to clear a fixed dollar amount at each dance to cover incidental expenses (or whatever), enter it here. Overhead is a fixed amount of money reserved for the organization from the receipts for each dance. This is a bit of a fuzzy concept, because, if the dance income exceeds the money payed out for staff fees and rent, the organization pockets the remainder, and doesn't care that some fixed number of those dollars is labelled "overhead".

But it does make a difference if you are using the SCDS formula The SCDS formula explicitly deducts the overhead before calculating the band shares. So increasing the overhead will actually reduce the size of the staff payments and slightly increase the organization's share. For this reason, the overhead defaults $25, which is what SBCDS uses at its contra dances.

Overhead expenditure percentage

This is the part that makes the overhead amount not really matter. This is the percentage of the overhead that is expected to be used to pay incidental (e.g. petty cash) expenses for the dance. It defaults to zero, which means that the entire overhead amount is counted as going into the organization's general fund as profit. If it is set to 100%, then the overhead is counted as an expense, just like the rent, and does not figure into the organization's profit. You can pick any number in between if you wish. Generally, it's not worth changing this from zero.

Cost to refinish floor ...

This is another idiosyncratic item. One of our dance halls has a floor that is very sensitive to wear, and must be refinished annually to prevent further damage. Because we contribute a fairly large sum regularly to help pay for the refinishing, we want to add it into the hall rent for the dance series that uses the hall. But it is a parameter that we can manipulate, so we enter it here rather than hiding it inside the rent figure for the hall. If your organization doesn't do this, you can remove or zero out this entry.

Staff split

This is a percentage of the dance income that is reserved to pay the staff (caller, musicians, and sound tech). The BACDS formula uses the staff split directly. The NBCDS formula doesn't use it at all, and the SCDS formula ignores it and uses its own split value.

It is present on this page because the bottom-line comparisons at the foot of the page are based on the BACDS formula, and therefore require the staff split as an input value.

Staff shares

THe money that is set aside to pay the staff is apportioned into shares for each person. Normally, at our dances, each member of the band gets one share, the caller gets one share, and the sound tech (if any), gets 1/2 share. These two cells let you set the caller's share and the sound tech's share to different percentages of the musician's shares.

If you don't set the shares, but you do set the guarantees, then the shares will be calculated from the guarantees. If you leave everything alone, the caller and the musicians will each get one share, and the sound tech will get 1/2 share.

Maximum (guaranteed) band size

If you want to offer your staff a guaranteed pay rate, then you need to set a limit on how many people get paid the guaranteed rate. So you set a maximum band size. As long as the band is that size or smaller, each member gets paid at least the guaranteed rate. If the band is larger, you figure out the guaranteed rate for the maximum band size, and divide that total into equal shares for the band members.

The most reasonable values for maximum band size are 3, 4, or 5. Nearly all bands have at least 2 people, and bands larger than 5 seldom expect to all get the guaranteed rate.

To declare that you will not be offering guarantees, simply set the maximum band size to its default value of zero.

Staff guarantees

Here you can enter the guarantee amounts separately for musicians, caller, and sound tech. If you leave one out, it will default according to the staff split chosen above.

None of this will have any effect unless you also set the maximum guaranteed band size to something other than zero.

Guarantee adjustments

Here is where you can decide to have different guaranteed rates for different types of dance, if you wish. In the box next to the chosen type, enter a percentage that will modify the guarantee sefined above to make it suitable for this type of dance. Or leave both boxes blank, and the guarantee will apply across the board.

Average band size

Here you can enter an average band size for your chosen dance series, if you don't want to accept the default value taken from the dance statistics.

When we figure the default average band size for a typical dance, (dance code "TYP"), we average the band size for all the dances done in the sample period. But some dance series have "house bands" that are always the same size. This tends to skew the average a bit. This skew is not a problem when we are talking about a typical dance put on by our organization, since the dance series with "house bands" are part of the organization.

But when we are modelling a completely abstract dance, we don't want to include the "house band" dances in the average, since an abstract dance doesn't have a house band. So the default average band size figure for a custom dance (no dance series code selected) is not generally the same as that for an typical dance (dance code "TYP").

Of course, none of this matters if you plug in your own value for average band size, or if you select a particular dance series type to model. If you are modeling a dance that does have a "house band", simply enter the size of the band here as the average band size.

Percent paid sound

Individual dance series tend either to have a paid sound tech or not to have one. So if you are modeling a specific dance series, this value will either be 100% if you pay your sound tech, or 0% if you don't.

The average (typical) dance series is a composite average of all the dances the organization does in a year, so the default value for a typical or custom dance will be somewhere between 0% and 100%. You can enter your own value if you don't like the default.

Average attendance

This is another place where the default value is taken from the actual attendance statistics recorded for the selected dance series for some sample period. If no particular dance series is selected, the average is taken for all dance series combined. If a particular dance type is selected, the average is taken for all dances of that type. You can enter your own value here if you wish.

Prices, price increments, and Attendance Percentages

Here is where you can fiddle with your door prices. There is one row for each of the admission categories your organization has set up (on page 2), and one row for free passes. In each non-free row, you can either set an explicit price, or provide an increment to be added to the current average price for that admission category.

You can also fiddle with attendance mix. For each attendance category other than the first, you can enter the percentage of attendees who fall into that category. The first row is your normal admission rate, and doesn't get its own percentage, because you can figure it out by subtracting the others.

The prices and the attendance percentages are used to calculate an average per-person income figure for the dance series you are modeling.

Results section

This section (at the bottom of the first page) displays the financial performance of the dance series you have selected to model (column 1, highlighted in yellow), compared to an average dance for this organization (column 2, highlighted in tan), and also compared to each individual dance series sponsored by the organization. This is where you can see at a glance the effects of your proposed changes.

All calculations in this section are done using the BACDS formula. To see the effects of the other formulas, you have to look at the pages devoted to those formulas.

Column by column

Selected dance series

The first column (highlighted in yellow) shows the dance series selected by the codes and other parameters that you entered in the input section. This is where you will see what the average dance would look like if our organization adopted the rules you just entered, and if the statistical averages were as you supplied them.

Typical dance series

The second column (highlighed in tan) shows the performance of a typical dance that your organization sponsors. It uses the input values you gave for staff splits, shares, and guarantees, but it applies these to the actual average rent, attendance, and band sizes as supplied on pages 2 and 3.

The rest of the columns

The remaining columns show the performance of each individual dance series sponsored by the organization. Again, it uses the door prices, staff splits, shares, and guarantees that you supplied, but applies those to the actual recorded rents, attendance, and band sizes for the given dance series.

Row by Row

Rows whose value depends on "baseline statistics" have their values calculated from the tables on pages 2 and 3, which provide collected statistics from all dances over a given period. If the dance series code for the column refers to a specific dance seris, then the statistics for that dance series are used. If the dance series code is "TYP", then the composite statistics for all dance series are used (weighted by the number of dances in that series each year).

If the dance series code is "(custom}", which can appear only in column 1, then the corresponding input value is used, if any value was provided. If no input value was provided, then the dance series type is inspected. If a specific dance type is selected, then the composite statistics are calculated only for dances of the same type. If no type is selected, then the composite statistics are the same as if "TYP" was selected as the dance code (except in the case of average band size, discussed above).